Now is the Time to Leverage Social Media

Niresh Kaur
4 min readMar 26, 2021

On 16 March 2020, we were left shocked and confused by our Prime Minister’s announcement that the Movement Control Order (MCO) will be in place from 18 March 2020 onwards. We had hundreds of questions in our minds. Can we go out to get groceries? Will we be allowed to work? Will there be rationing of food? Will the army shoot at sight?

Thankfully, we are still alive, and we were allowed to do more things than we thought we could have. To walk down memory lane, the PM’s speech can be read here.

The first question above was the most relevant question at that time — can we go out to get groceries? The rule at that time was that only the ketua keluarga was allowed to go out to get groceries. Basically what that meant was that only one person per household was allowed to go out. The problem with that was some of us did not know the difference between Chinese cabbage and lettuce, for example. How did we manage through all that?

Merely within a month, most of us got used to online shopping. It’s true that we have been doing it anyway prior to that. However, when we unexpectedly were not given the chance to go out, it was the only choice we had.



Niresh Kaur

A digital marketing ninja who enjoys Muay Thai and organising random events